3 Steps to Become an HVAC Technician in Louisiana

become an hvac technician

Here’s a brief, two-question quiz for those looking for a rewarding and lucrative career. This quiz will help direct you to what you love to do and where to get the education and training required to become an HVAC Technician. Ready to begin?

A. Are you searching for a new and exciting career path that doesn’t involve sitting in an office all day?
B. Are you a hands-on type of person who enjoys fixing things for people whatever chance you can get?

That’s the end of the quiz. If you answered “yes” to both or either questions, then you should consider an HVAC technician training program!

HVAC technicians across the country are in demand and now could be your chance to embark on a career path you’ve always wanted to pursue. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Commercial and residential building construction is expected to drive employment growth, and job opportunities for HVAC technicians are expected to be good 1.

If you become an HVAC technician, you could have a steady job with career advancement opportunities without extended college classes and expensive tuition. Now is the time to become a desirable professional to employers and customers that value your skills. Eager to find out more? Continue reading as we break down 3 steps on how to become an HVAC technician in Louisiana.

Ready to start your HVAC technician training program? Find out more here!


1. Begin Researching and Enroll in a Reputable Program for HVAC Training Louisiana

Your path to becoming an HVAC technician is fairly simple. One of the first steps is to find the right school that offers high-quality training that fits your schedule and financial situation. Rest assured there’s a great HVAC school that meets your needs waiting for you today!

As you’re conducting your search for the best HVAC training in Louisiana that meets your needs, there are a few questions you should consider as you’re narrowing down your options.

  • Is there program flexibility?
  • Is financial aid available to those who qualify?
  • Does the program curriculum offer hands-on training?
  • How long does it take to complete the program?

Flexibility in programs could include class structure and schedule so you could continue to work and honor your family responsibilities. Hands-on training is a vital component of any technical training – especially those installing and repairing heating, cooling and ventilation systems. Your HVAC training in Louisiana could provide the skills and hands-on experience to get you into the workforce quickly.

2. Enhance Your Current Skill Set by Starting an HVAC Technician Training Program

Once you’ve chosen the right school for you, the next phase of your HVAC education is to start your training! HVAC technicians are skilled tradespeople that possess qualities to help them stand-out in their industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, some examples of what skills and traits an HVAC tech should possess are:

  • Customer-service skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Math skills
  • Mechanical skills
  • Physical stamina
  • Physical strength
  • Time-management skills
  • Troubleshooting skills2

You may already have some or many of these skills, which is great! This is where selecting a high-quality HVAC technician training program pays off. During your training, achieving advancement in these and other skills are part of achieving HVAC technician excellence. Great training equals great opportunities that could help you begin a successful HVAC career!

3. Begin a Career of Helping Others with Your HVAC Certification

Once you’ve successfully completed your HVAC technician training program, it’s time to prepare and take the necessary examinations. Those graduates looking to work in the state of Louisiana, for example, must take a Louisiana HVAC Contractor License exam to work as a technician. Successfully receiving this certification could offer you the chance to prove your skills and showcase your hard work!

Newly graduated HVAC technicians could also join paid apprenticeship programs from HVAC companies, contractor associations, and unions. These typically last 3 to 5 years and could enhance your skills and experience under mentorship with top HVAC professionals 3.

Train to Become an HVAC Technician at Blue Cliff College

If you’re looking for an HVAC technician training program that checks-off all the boxes we’ve discussed above, then Blue Cliff College is the place for you! They provide dedicated students with advanced education and practical skills they may need to become an HVAC technician.

The Blue Cliff College HVAC Technician program consists of 900 clock-hours of classes and exams. The program ranges from nine months for the day program and twelve months for the evening program, offering students the choice for whichever best fits their schedule. Our HVAC technician training program also provides students with advanced skills needed to inspect, repair, and maintain HVAC systems. You’ll also learn how to connect systems to fuel and water supply lines, air ducts and other components along with electrical wiring and control testing for proper operation.

If you are asking yourself, “Where are there HVAC technician programs near me?”, Blue Cliff College’s HVAC program is available at our Lafayette campus. Now that you’ve passed the quiz and are ready for an exciting career as an HVAC technician, contact Blue Cliff College to enroll today!


Don’t wait any longer to make a change for your future! Become an HVAC technician today!

Additional Information:

  1. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/heating-air-conditioning-and-refrigeration-mechanics-and-installers.htm#tab-1 
  2. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/heating-air-conditioning-and-refrigeration-mechanics-and-installers.htm#tab-4
  3. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/heating-air-conditioning-and-refrigeration-mechanics-and-installers.htm#tab-4



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