Skincare Tips for This Summer to Keep Yourself Healthy and Glowing

skincare tips for summer

By the time summer rolls around, everyone is ready for some fun in the sun. From hikes to beaches to bonfires, outdoor activities are endless in the warm weather. Skin is generally the last thing on people’s minds while they’re out enjoying themselves, but it’s important to keep up a routine to protect your skin, especially during this hot season.

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How Does Summer Affect Your Skin?

Summer can have positive effects on your skin. For example, if your skin is usually pretty dry, the increased humidity in the air can help hydrate it. But along with the benefits, there are some negative effects that need to be prepared for. Along with the warm weather and humidity comes extra natural oil being produced by your sebaceous glands. This oil can get stuck on the surface of your skin, leading to blocked pores and grease. In turn, this can cause more acne breakouts. In the summer, your skin is also more exposed to UV rays. This can cause melatonin production to pick up to try and protect your skin from sun damage, which can result in either darker, tanned skin or an itchy sunburn, depending on your sensitivity to the sun. After repeated exposure, UV Rays can eventually lead to age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.

9 Ways To Prepare Your Skin for Summer

So, what can be done? Thankfully, there are ways to protect your skin and keep it healthy, soft, and glowing all year round.

1. Apply SPF

Applying sunscreen is the most integral step in your skincare routine. You should be covered head to toe in at least SPF 30 sunscreen or higher, depending on how sensitive your skin is to the sun. This includes the smaller places that are usually passed over, like lips, ears, and hands. It needs to be applied every couple of hours and should be the last step in your routine.

2. Use Lightweight Moisturizers

With the increased natural oil production during the summer, it’s a good idea to use a lightweight moisturizer. If you use a heavier moisturizer, you run the risk of more clogged pores, acne, and inflammation, especially if you are prone to oily skin.

If you want to streamline your skincare routine further, you can find a light moisturizer with SPF. The same rules that apply to SPF sunscreen would apply to this combination, too. It would have to be applied every couple of hours to make sure that you are protected all day.

3. Exfoliate Once or Twice a Week

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells and dirt from the top layer of your skin. You can use either a scrub, a chemical exfoliator, or an exfoliation tool. Whichever method you choose, it should be done at least once or twice a week in the summer to prevent acne and signs of aging that can occur due to exposure to UV Rays.

Be careful not to over-exfoliate or exfoliate while you have a sunburn or cuts, as it can cause pain and interrupt the healing process.

4. Self-Tan for a Healthy Glow

One of the aspects that many look forward to in the season is having a nice, summer tan. But you don’t have to expose yourself to UV rays and harm your skin to get your desired bronze. Instead, replace sun tanning with sunless tanning, or self-tanning.

Self-tanning used to have a negative connotation of “turning your skin orange.” But the technology has come a long way and even a first-time user can experience the tan that they’re looking for. Self-tanner usually comes in the form of a mousse or gel that you can evenly distribute over your skin.

5. Invest in a Good Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum can help promote healthy skincare all year round, but it’s especially important to use in the summer months. It’s a potent antioxidant that can protect your skin against UV rays and promote elasticity. Using vitamin C serum only requires a couple of drops per application and can be applied once or twice a day.

6. If Your Skin is Combination, Use a Toner

Having a combination of dry and oily skin can be rough, especially in the summer. Typically, not one skincare product can be applied to your entire face. In this situation, a toner should be applied only to your T-zone, where the oily skin generally resides, in order to cleanse your pores and lightly moisturize the area. Toner shouldn’t be applied to your cheeks, which is where the dryer skin usually is.

7. If Your Body is Acne-Prone, Opt for an Antibacterial Wash

Acne-prone skin already has extra natural oil, but in the summer, it’s increased. That’s why adding an antibacterial wash to your skincare routine will be especially helpful in this season. Antibacterial wash specifically works to fight bacteria by opening up skin pores, removing excess oil, and flushing out dirt. Just make sure not to overuse it, as it can start to fight healthy bacteria, as well.

8. To Smooth Wrinkles, Start to Use a Retinoid

Exposure to UV rays can advance certain aging processes, including wrinkles. To fight this, you can add a retinoid to your skincare routine. Retinoids are any vitamin A-based skin products that promote faster turnover of skin cells and boost collagen, which can improve skin tone and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

If you’re first starting using a retinoid, it’s best to start slow. Only apply it every couple of days for the first two weeks, and then it can be gradually increased to once a day.

9. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Hydration has always been key to having healthy skin. Whether it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter, it’s so important to keep yourself hydrated. It can help to improve acne and the appearance of wrinkles, promote faster healing, and reduce the appearance of pores. In the summer, it’s not only healthy for your skin, but for your overall well-being, as it’s easy to dehydrate in the warmer weather.

It’s suggested that adults should drink six glasses of water a day, ranging from six to eight ounces in size. So, break out that water bottle and drink your way to healthier skin.

Become a Cosmetologist at Blue Cliff College

If you have a passion for keeping up with a full skin-care regimen for healthy, glowing skin, or take pride in helping others transform their skin to its peak form, a career in cosmetology may be for you. At Blue Cliff College, you can learn about cosmetology from the experts, get hands-on cosmetology training, and earn your own cosmetology license. Enroll now or contact us to learn more about this program and others that are offered by Blue Cliff College.

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